What to do if your back hurts? Causes of back pain and 5 ways to relieve

possible causes of back pain

About 80 percent of adults experience back pain and if you also have a problem, you know you are not alone. This can be fixed. The main thing is to understand the origin of pain, but there can be many factors. We have gathered the main causes of back pain that can cause back problems. How to alleviate the disease? There are ways.

Back pain can occur at any age and in any physical condition. So there is a dull, constant or intermittent pain and there is a sudden acute attack, after which it is difficult for a person to move. The pain can be sudden due to heavy lifting, it can develop with age due to changes in the spine or as a result of an accident. A sedentary lifestyle is also a major cause of back pain. Especially when the daily routine is not diluted with physical activity (training, swimming pool, gym, yoga).

In most cases, back pain is acute and short-lived or less severe, but lasts from a few days to a few weeks. In such cases, a person does not lose his activity, the ability to move and serve himself in everyday life.

Subacute pain is pain that persists after an acute period and lasts 4 to 12 weeks. If after this period the pain still exists, it is called chronic. Sometimes, treatment can help relieve chronic back pain. But in some cases, the pain persists despite medical and surgical treatment.

Thus, back pain, the causes of which are often related to age and are related to damage to the joints, discs and bones of the spine or to mechanical pain:

1. Sprain

This can lead to severe back pain. Stretching occurs due to improper turning or lifting of something. And also due to heavy lifting or excessive stretching. These conditions can cause spasms in the back muscles, which also cause pain.

2. Damage to the intervertebral disc

why my back hurts and what to do

One of the most common causes of back pain. One manifestation of this is the loss of disk integrity, cracks appear. On a young and healthy back, the discs allow the bottom to bend, bend and twist. But over the years, the elasticity of the discs decreases and they lose their ability to absorb vibrations.

3. Hernia

It can occur due to heavy lifting, poor posture, accident, sports injury, etc. There is fluid in the center of the lumbar disc; for various reasons it can come out and irritate the nerve root nearby. There are many nerve fibers in the disc wall and a broken wall can cause severe pain.

4. Root disease

This condition occurs due to compression, inflammation and / or damage to the spinal cord. In addition, pressure on a nerve root leads to pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation that spreads to other parts of the body associated with that nerve. The problem can occur if the central spinal canal narrows or a hernia pinches the nerve root.

5. Sciatica

Compression of the sciatic nerve, which crosses the buttocks and extends below the back of the leg. This compression causes shock or pain in the lower back, combined with pain in the buttocks. And also in exceptional cases, when the nerve is compressed between the disc and the adjacent bone, a person may feel numbness and severe weakness in the legs. Incidentally, this condition occurs due to a tumor or cyst that presses on the sciatic nerve or its roots.

6. Spinal stenosis

In the case of this disease, in addition to lower back pain, a person may experience numbness or weakness in the legs when walking. And also with loss of sensitivity.

7. Scoliosis and other skeletal disorders

scoliosis as a cause of back pain

People usually do not have specific problems with the curvature of the spine until middle age.

Back pain is not often associated with serious medical conditions. But you need to be aware of their existence in order to have time to consult a doctor in time. The victory of the diseases mentioned below is possible only with medical help. This:

1. Infections

These do not cause back pain, but can affect the vertebrae (osteomyelitis), the intervertebral discs (discitis) or the sacroiliac joints (hieratilitis).

2. Tumors

Sometimes a tumor appears in the back (and at some stages, of course, there will be pain and other symptoms), but most often it is a metastasis that has spread due to cancer to other parts of the body.

3. Cauda Equina Syndrome

The disease is sometimes accompanied by a ruptured disc. This is because the disc material is compressed in the spinal canal and compresses the bundle of lumbar and sacral nerve roots. In connection with this disease, a person may have problems with urination and bowel movements.

4. Abdominal aortic aneurysm

This happens when a large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis and legs becomes abnormally dilated. In addition, lower back pain may be a sign that the aorta is enlarged and there is a risk of rupture.

5. Kidney stones

Stones can cause severe pain in the lower back (usually on one side).

Other factors and causes that can cause back pain:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints.For example, arthritis, spondylitis, spinal inflammation.
  • Osteoporosis.This is a bone disease accompanied by a decrease in bone density and strength, which can lead to vertebral fractures.
  • how to get rid of back pain
  • Endometriosis.A gynecological disease that can be accompanied by pain in the pelvis and lower back.
  • Fibromyalgia.Pain syndrome, accompanied by muscle pain and fatigue. It's been years.

What to do with back pain?

First, you need to understand the causes of pain. What can help one disease will not create (and perhaps even worsen) another. And in some cases, urgent hospitalization is required. So be sure to listen to your body signals and, if necessary, consult a doctor or take appropriate action.

Ways to treat back pain:

1. You can rest your back after a while

Many back problems can be solved (or relieved) by avoiding strenuous activity. However, it is not recommended to rest for more than a few days, as excessive inactivity can make treatment difficult.

2. Limited activity

This means staying active but avoiding actions and behaviors that increase pain. For example, if long periods of sitting in the car or office aggravate the pain, then set a timer to get up every 20 minutes and walk or stretch gently. Minimizing actions and positions that aggravate pain will help prevent or relieve painful cramps and speed up the healing process.

3. Cold / heat treatment

A warm bath, heating pads, body wrapper are suitable for relaxing tense muscles and improving blood flow. If your back pain is due to inflammation, you can try applying ice or cold compresses to reduce the swelling. It is important to protect the skin during procedures to prevent tissue damage.

4. Painkillers

The most common over-the-counter medications are anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve back pain caused by swollen nerves or muscles. And also, in some cases, an analgesic can help. B vitamins, muscle relaxants, various gels and ointments are effective.

5. Physiotherapy

Usually part of the treatment for back pain. Stretching is helpful: the more mobile your muscles are, the better your back can move without injury. It is recommended to start small - stretch the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, thighs, legs for 20-30 seconds and stop stretching if it hurts.

You should also strengthen the abs, thighs and buttocks that support the spine. Low impact aerobic exercise increases blood flow and promotes wound healing without spinal concussion. For example, you can use stationary bikes and elliptical trainers, walk and swim.

In fact, any exercise that keeps the heart cycle healthy for a long time is beneficial to the body. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a free circulation and flexibility of a healthy spine.